Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima And Nagasaki

“I always look back at Harry Truman. Would we drop an nuclear bomb to save 100,000 innocent lives? It was a difficult decision. He made that decision on his own. Lee Lacocca

Dropping an atomic bomb is a violation of all humanist ideals. A mass destruction weapon should not be used or controlled. The worst crimes against humanity occurred during the Second World War. Millions of people died from genocide, concentration camps, bombing by aerials, starvation and other factors. However, it is not unreasonable to consider these causes as equal to atomic bombs. On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima, Japan was struck with an atomic weapon. The bomb was followed by another one dropped by the American Air Force in Nagasaki. The atomic bomb’s use claimed the lives of approximately one hundred eighty thousands people. It was a tragedy not only for Japan and Germany but also for humanity. No one would have thought to use such a weapon. While it may seem as though such a weapon would have no benefits, there are many. The Second World War was a time of fear and glory, idealist ideas and a struggle for global leadership. The war cost sixty million lives over the course of its years. In 1945, enemies knew they were out of their league. The Japanese soldiers proved to be strong enough to fight to the death, and by August 1945, they were losing faith in their ability to win. The Allied nations were no threat to them, and kamikaze pilots started to commit suicide. According to The Asia Pacific Journal, The United States needed to make a critical decision that year. This decision would save the lives of millions of Americans and their allies by killing thousands upon thousands of enemies. The worst crimes against humanity were committed during the Second World War. Millions of people died from genocide, concentration camps, bombing by aerial and other means, as well as starvation and starvation. However, it is not unreasonable to consider these factors as equal to atomic bombs. On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima, Japan was struck with an atomic weapon. The bomb was followed by another one dropped by the American Air Force in Nagasaki. The atomic bomb’s use claimed the lives of approximately one hundred eighty thousands people. While the atomic bomb use was a terrible tragedy for Japan, Germany and other countries, it was also a tragic event for humanity. No one would have thought to use such a weapon. While it may seem as though such a weapon would have no benefits, there are many. The Second World War was a time of fear and glory, idealist ideas and a struggle for global leadership. The war cost sixty million lives over the course of its years. In 1945, enemies knew they were out of their league. The Japanese soldiers were strong enough to fight until the end, but they began to lose faith in winning. There was no way to defeat the allied countries, which is why kamikaze pilots committed suicide, according The Asia Pacific Journal. In that year, the United States had made a crucial decision. The decision would have the potential to save the lives of millions of Americans and their allies by destroying thousands of enemy forces in a relatively short time. The Pearl Harbor attack resulted in America not feeling sympathy for Japan, their allies and the Japanese people. Truman felt that the hardest decision in his life was whether to use the nuclear bomb. It was not Truman’s decision, but that of Congress and Truman’s advisers. This decision changed history forever. The first and final atomic bombs were dropped on August 1, 1945. Two Japanese cities were vaporized by the bomb. To protect the public from nuclear war, the government has established protocols and restrictions to stop future use of atomic bombs. One perspective is that the world has gained since August 1945. Because people understood and learned about the consequences, people today fear the atomic bomb and are not likely to use it again. The atomic bomb’s dropping has made it possible to understand the long-term effects that radiation can have on the human health. According to the U.S History website, it was crucial that the bomb be used to help our society understand the repercussions nuclear warfare has on the human body. Many people have different opinions on dropping the Atomic Bomb. Some argue that America made the decision. Others blame Russia for starting the nuclear war. But, Germany, Japan and Russia began research on the bomb way earlier than the United States. Human nature made people so that they seek power and dominance over another. This is why all of the world’s wars occurred. While the nuclear weapon might be considered a weapon against evil, its time has already passed and nobody can change the decisions made by those who have left the world. The decision to drop the nuclear bomb was made more seventy years ago. While it had its consequences people have learned from their mistakes. However, the question of when the bomb will be dropped will continue to be controversial. It was already known that the atomic bomb existed in the early days. If the US did not drop it, another country could, perhaps more powerful and destructive. Everyone agrees that it was a crime. It was a crime. Truman made the right decision. This saved the lives not only of American soldiers but also of prisoners of War. John Dryden said that only successful crimes can be justified. The war crime caused too many deaths, too much destruction of families, and too few lives to be forgotten. But, the use the atomic weapon saved millions of lives. This fact must also be considered.


  • tillyparry

    Tilly Parry is a 29-year-old educational blogger and volunteer who is dedicated to helping others. She is the founder of the popular blog, "The Tutor House," where she shares her expertise in education and offers helpful tips for students and parents. In addition to her blog, Tilly also volunteers with several organizations that promote education and literacy. She is a highly respected member of the education community, and her advice is sought after by educators and parents all over the world.



Tilly Parry is a 29-year-old educational blogger and volunteer who is dedicated to helping others. She is the founder of the popular blog, "The Tutor House," where she shares her expertise in education and offers helpful tips for students and parents. In addition to her blog, Tilly also volunteers with several organizations that promote education and literacy. She is a highly respected member of the education community, and her advice is sought after by educators and parents all over the world.